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Installing Beast is super-easy. You can either download your system binaries directly or you can compile it from source yourself.

Pre-compiled binaries

You can directly download your system specific binaries from the release section on github.

Once you have downloaded the binaries, make sure that the location of this executable is present in the PATH environment variable. /usr/local/bin is the preferred position to place the beast executable.

Compiling from source

For compiling the souce, you would require:

  • make
  • GNU G++ (>= 10.0) or Clang
  • flex
  • bison

Note: flex and bison are required only if the parser.cpp/hpp and scanner.cpp/h files are not present in your source code or is outdated.

Follow these steps to compile:

  1. Clone the github Beast repository with the following command:

    git clone Beast --recursive
    submodule dependencies

    Make sure you use the --recursive flag since the code has some submodule dependencies

  2. Move into the Beast directory using

    cd Beast
  3. Now we will compile the source code using make. If your g++ points to one of the suitable compilers listed above the simply run

    make MODE=RELEASE 

    Otherwise, you should point CXX environment variable to a suitable compiler and then run the above command. Your command will then look like: CXX=<path_to_compiler> make MODE=RELEASE.

  4. An executable named beast should then appear in rhe main working directory if the compilation was successful. To add it to the $PATH at /usr/local/bin, run

    make install

    This is a root action so you will have to enter your password for this step. If you don't want to install this to your /usr/local/bin, you can directly use the beast binary.