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Writing a Beast file

Beast has been made keeping easiness of usage in mind. Writing a beast build file is very easy. The name of a Beast build file is This article walks you through a basic way to write a build file. So let's get started!!!


Beast builds the targets that you specify in your build file based on the dependencies you specify among various targets. Simply put, it develops internal dependency relationships between various tasks that you need to complete (in this case, tasks means building a target).

These dependencies are specified in the file. As we will see, we do this while specifying build rules for various targets. We can also define several variables in our beast file that can be changed locally withing several rules. One thing to note here is that beast runs all the commands given to build a specific target on the shell. So proper syntax for the commands in particular should be followed.

Defining build rules for targets

A build rule for a target is what defines how the particular target will be built, what commands will be carried out while building this target, in what order will they be executed and what other targets should be built (or should be present before building this target).

Let us take a look at an example for a build target:

build A : A.cpp B.o
! g++ A.cpp B.o -o A
! echo "A has been built!!!"

There are a number of things to observe in the example. First of all, note the build keyword. The build keyword specifies that we are about to define a build rule for the target that follows. In this case, the name of the target is A.

Next, note that some file names (target names) follow after a colon (:), A.cpp and B.o. These are the dependencies on which the target A depends. This means, that it is necessary for these dependencies to either exist or to be built before A can be built.

Build optimization

Beast only builds a target if any of its dependencies has been updated after the modification of the target, to optimize the build procedure.

Everything inside the build rule should be indented, as you can see above.

Dependency files (since v1.1.0)

Targets like executables and object files sometimes have dependencies specified in .d files which are generated by C/CPP compilers for a particular executable/object file/library etc.

If such dependency files are already specified for a target and you want to use the dependencies specified in these files as build rules dependencies for a target, you can simply add a variable "dep" in the build rule body (checkout Variables). Just specify the name of the .d file as a string in the dep variable as follows:

build A : A.c
dep = "A.d"
! gcc -MMD A.c -o A

This above build rule will automatically parse the file A.d and add other files like A.h etc that the target executable A depends upon.

C/C++ dependencies

Right now only C/CPP compiler generated dependency files are supported. These compilers generate .d. In general, the syntax is: target: dependency1 dependency2 and so on. These files are usually generated by passing -MMD and similar flags to the compiler. You can check these flags for more information

Build commands

To specify a build command (which is a shell command), we have to add an exclamantion mark (!) in the beginning of the line as shown above. These can only be defined inside a build rule.

Everything that follows this exclamation mark is considered as a shell command to be executed while building the target. If multiple shell commands are specified in a build rule (like in the example), they will be executed in the order they appear.


We can define variables in our beast file. This can be done either in the global scope (outside any build rules) so that the variables are visible to all the rules or locally inside the build rules. Each variable can either be an integer or a string. Variables can be defined like:

a = "hello"
b = 50
c = b + 20

In the above example, 3 variables are defined. a is a string "hello", b is an integer 50, and c takes the variable b and adds 20 to it which makes it an 70. Similarly, we can do the same inside any build rule, like:

build A : B C
CXX = "g++"
! echo "building A!!"

Variables declared outside any build rule, in the global scope will be available for use in the global scope as well as inside the build rules. While those defined inside a build rule will only be visible inside the build rule.


Note that only the final value of a variable is visible to everyone. The same goes for inside the build rule. If the value of one of the variables is modified after it's first declaration, only the final modified value is used for all purposes.

Now, since we have declared variables, we also need to be able to access them inside build commands. This can be done using the prefix $ (dollar) operator. To access variable var we use $(var). Single letter variables can be accessed without the round brackets (). An example of variable usage inside a build rule:

glob = "I am a global variable"
build A : B
var = "hello"
a = 5
! echo $(var)
! echo $a $(glob)

We can also use variable values while naming the target and its dependencies in the build definition head. For example,

TARGET = "main"
build $(TARGET) : $(TARGET).cpp
! g++ $(TARGET).cpp -o $(TARGET)

defines a build target main which depends on main.cpp.

Since we might need to use the actual $ character, the $ letter can be used inside the command by escaping it with another $ like:

build A : B
! echo $$var

This command will be resolve to echo $var when being executed.

When we try to access the value of a variable that has not be declared, Beast will not replace it with anything. So if var is not declared in any scope (global or build rule scope), then a $(var) inside a build command will remain as $(var).

Special variables

Inside a build rule, Beast automatically defines some special variables for the target being defined by the rule and the dependencies. The target whose build rule is being defined can be accessed with the out variable inside the build rule body. Similarly, The ith dependency for the target can be accesed as $i. For example,

build A : B
! echo $(out) $1

prints A B when rule A is built.

variable naming

Dont use keywords like build, out or numbers for naming a variable. This can lead to an error or undefined behaviour depending on the issue.

dep is another special variable which you can define inside a build rule to specify extra dependencies for a target defined in C/CPP compiler generated .d files. See Dependency files


Comments are statements that will not be read or processed by Beast. As in any programming language, comments can help define purpose of various statements in your code/file.

Beast supports single line comments. All comments are preceded by '#' (a hash symbol), which denotes that everything following it will be a comment.

a = "hi there" # variable 'a'

# build rule for A
build A : B
! echo "Building A!!!"

The above example has two comments, "variable 'a'" and "build rule for A".

Depdency definition and comments

You cannot use comments while defining dependencies for a build rule. For example, you cannot use build A : #B. in this case, #B will be taken as the name of a dependency for target A and will not be considered as a comment.